Free (Chest)nut Trees

Food Security Meets Urban Tree Canopy

We have received a grant from East Multnomah Soil and Water Convservation District to grow fruit and nut-bearing trees which will sequester carbon, create urban tree canopy, establish habitat, and incidentally provide passive food security.

We are offering two to four Sweet Chestnuts (Castanea Sativa/Crenata hybrids), Northern Pecan, Hazelnuts, and English Walnuts for you to plant on your own. These trees will live for hundreds of years, provide canopy cover, and thousands of pounds of food over their lifetime. They generally begin to bear after 3-7 years (10-20 for pecan) and can grow to 30-70ft in height and width (except hazelnuts which should stay aroundn 12ft). These are trees to plant for future generations.

Depending on the dimensions of your property as well as your the parking strip, we are able to provide seedlings at no cost to you in early winter 2024.

Please fill out the form below for consideration and thank you for being part of the solution!

Chestnut nut trees for sale Portland bare root
Chestnut nut trees for sale Portland bare root ecological restoration orchard
Chestnut nut trees for sale Portland bare root
Chestnut nut trees for sale Portland bare root

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