Food Forest Education


We are focused on public education in the areas of urban regenerative agriculture, perennial ecosystem stewardship, and practical steps in conversion of grass monocultures into spaces of gathering and abundance.

We are available to come to your event or organization to teach a class on perennial food forestry, regenerative agriculture, and place-based land tending. Contact us for details.

RSVP for upcoming
Food Forest Tours & Classes

June 29th - FULL
11 am Cully Food Forest #1

July 27th - FULL
11 am Cully Food Forest #1 & 4

August 10th - FULL
11 am Cully Food Forest #1 & 4

Food Forest Tours

Food Forest Classes

FEBRUARY 8th PCC Community Ed - OPEN
Urban Food Forests: Perennial Gardening

10am-12:20 at PCC Cascade

JANUARY 18th PCC Community Ed - FULL
Urban Food Forests: Perennial Gardening

10am-12:20 at PCC Cascade